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Constitution and Bylaws



Submitted to the San Bernardino Democratic Party Central Committee March 21, 2018


of the

Mojave Desert Democratic Club


The Mojave Desert Democratic Club (MDDC) is located in San Bernardino County

and is chartered by the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee that

was created by the law of the State of California and is enabled thereby to adopt by-

laws not inconsistent with its parent legislation. Where a conflict appears, these by-

laws shall be deemed subordinate, and the law of the State of California shall

prevail. The MDDC shall also be known as the Mojave Desert Democratic Club of

San Bernardino County. We, the Mojave Desert Democratic Club, in order to

promote growth and foster unity among the members of the Democratic Club,

pledge to educate and encourage local citizens to take a more active participation in

our local, state, and national government, do hereby ordain and establish these by-




MDDC shall have charge of party campaigns in Barstow and surrounding areas of

Yermo, Daggett, Newberry Springs, Hinkley and Lenwood and shall perform

such other duties and services for the Party as deemed to be for the benefit of the

Party. (Elections Code Section 7240­ 42.) The MDDC recognizes the authority of

the state Democratic Party to set statewide Democratic policy but reserves the right

to set policy for all matters relating directly to party activities in Barstow and

surrounding communities.


The MDDC shall actively engage in taking positions on issues which are in the

interest of the Democratic Party. By appropriate action it shall make such positions

known to the public.


The MDDC recognizes that in order to insure that Democratic campaigns and other

Democratic activities in the county are carried out in the most effective manner,

there must be as little overlapping as possible in the functions of the MDDC and

other Democratic Party structures except as to insure conformance to aims and

purpose of the Democratic Party.


The MDDC shall build party organization to register Democrats and turn out

Democratic voters.


The MDDC will promote the interests of the Democratic Party; to advance to political and educational interest of the community; to foster the active participation of constituents in politics toward the end of electing Democratic candidates to all public offices; and to achieve the principles and carry out the policies of the local, state, and national organizations of the Democratic Party.



The officers of the MDDC shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer,

and three trustees.


A. The officers shall be elected annually from the voting membership of the MDDC (see

Article IV). Where there is more than one (1) nominee for an office, the

election shall be by written ballot. The term length for each of these officers shall be one calendar year.

1. The time and place of the meeting to elect officers shall be determined by the

executive board at a meeting prior to the election.

2. The meeting shall be held on the last general meeting of the calendar year (usually in December each year) or the first meeting of the new calendar year (usually in January of each year). Should this meeting take place in January the outgoing President shall conduct the election and then turn the meeting over to the new President after the selection of the incoming President.

3. The meeting shall be held in a place that is easily accessible by all members.

4. Notification for the meeting shall be conducted by the current media

representative. All new members, including eligible party nominees, shall be


5. The meeting shall be conducted by the highest ranking officer of the old

committee. The ranking of officers is determined by the order in which

officers are listed in these by­ laws. Should no former officer be on the new

committee, the outgoing executive board shall name a convening officer.

B. In the event of a vacancy in any elected office, a special election shall be held

at the next regular meeting of the MDDC following the meeting where the

vacancy is declared.



1. To preside at all meetings.

2. To call special meeting as needed.

3. To insure that all members are notified by mail, email or phone call of

meeting time, place and agenda.

4. To make committee appointments as provided by the by­ laws and to appoint

such special committee as are useful to the aims and goals of the MDDC.

5. To serve as ex­ officio member of all committees of the MDDC.

6. To serve as official representative of the MDDC to the media and the public-

at­ large.


1. To preside in absence of the president.

2. To perform other duties as assigned by the president.


1. To record and distribute the minutes of the meetings.

2. To receive all correspondence of the MDDC.

3. To answer all correspondence of the MDDC at the direction of the president.


1. To receive and distribute all MDDC funds.

2. To maintain such bank accounts and records as are necessary for safe keeping

and accounting of funds.

3. To give an oral report of the status of treasury at the monthly general meeting

of the MDDC, and file a monthly treasurer’s report with the secretary of the


4. To submit the treasurer’s records to an annual audit by an auditor selected by

the President and approved by the executive committee.

5. To submit all bills and requests for funds to the MDDC at a general meeting

or special meeting for approval of payment.

6. To prepare and file such reports as are required by state law governing

campaign expenditures.


1. Three trustees are to be elected annually.

2. Responsibilities include serving as the auditors for MDDC.

3. An annual audit of the MDDC’s financial records shall be conducted at the

end of each year, the results of which shall be reported to the general membership at the first meeting of the following year.

4. To insure minutes are taken of monthly meetings and of executive board


5. To accept all duties as assigned by MDDC.


A. The president shall appoint a PARLIAMENTARIAN from the

voting membership of the MDDC subject to ratification of the MDCC. The

Parliamentarian’s opinion must be based on these By­ laws or standing rules. Where

the By­ laws or Standing Rules are silent, Robert Rules of Order shall prevail. Such

rulings may be overturned by a 2/3 vote of the voting members present. The

Parliamentarian shall have a voice and vote.

B. The President shall appoint a SERGEANT­ -AT- ARMS from the

voting membership of the MDDC subject to the ratification of the MDDC. The sergeant­ -at-

arms shall keep order, maintain a roll of the voting members, call the roll at

meetings, and ensure that only eligible members vote are counted.

C. Appointed officers shall be members of the executive committee (Article

III, Section 1).


A. All Standing and Special Committee Chairs must be voting members of MDDC.

B. The MDDC president may appoint one MDDC non-voting member to any standing or special committee. This non-voting member may take part in the committee discussions however may not vote or propose or second motions.


A. Membership shall consist of the elected officers, appointed officers and

chairs of the standing committees.

B. The executive committee shall serve as the administrative committee of the


C. It shall meet on the call of the president of the MDDC, who shall serve as its

chair, or any 3 members of the executive committee.

D. It shall report its recommendations to the MDDC at the next regularly

scheduled general meeting or special meeting.

E. It shall advise all members of MDDC of the time, date, and place of the

executive committee meeting except where an emergency meeting is needed

to best serve the interests of the MDDC.

F. All MDDC members may attend and participate in executive committee

meetings without voting rights.

G. The quorum of the executive committee shall be a majority of the committee.


A. Functions

1. To develop policies and programs to register Democratic voters,

utilizing MDDC members, volunteers, Democratic club members

and other Democrats.

2. To recommend actions to the MDDC to foster Democratic

registration efforts.


A. Membership shall consist of the MDDC parliamentarian and no less than 2

MDDC members appointed by the president and who have expertise or interest in

by­ laws and parliamentary procedures.

B. Bylaws Functions:

1. To review and rewrite current by­ laws and standing rules.

2. To provide continuing review of adopted by­ laws and rules and propose amendments as needed.

3. Any MDDC member may submit bylaws changes to the Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws Committee will review this proposed change. The Bylaws Committee may make grammatical changes to the submission to insure correct wording and format. The Bylaws Committee will then submit the proposed change to the DMMC membership with a recommendation to either approve or not approve the proposed change.

B. Resolution and Policy Endorsement Functions:

1.To develop and propose resolutions to the MDDC.

2. To receive, evaluate and make recommendations on resolutions or policy endorsements which seek MDDC support. These resolutions or policy endorsements can be proposed by any MDDC member or any registered Democrat.

3. To work with incumbent officeholders, their staff, or party nominees to gain support for the MDDC resolution.


A. Membership shall consist of the Committee Chairperson and no less than two (2)

Committee Members, all appointed by the club president.

B. Functions:

1. To work with the club president in finding guest speakers for the monthly club meetings. Such speakers will normally address topics that the Democratic Party has taken a position on.

2. To work with the club president to develop the monthly meeting agenda that focus on topics and issues that directly relate to MDDC/Democratic Party interests.

3. To work with the club president in identifying activities that the MDDC might want to participate in, e.g., town-hall meetings, phone banks, or rallies.


Any member of a standing or special committee who fails to attend 3 consecutive

meetings of their assigned committee may be removed from said committee.



  1. A voting member in good standing must be a registered Democrat and current on their dues. A prospective MDDC voting member must submit an application, i.e., fill out a membership card, and pay dues in full to become a voting member in good standing. However, there is a waiting period of 45 days from receipt of the membership application and dues before the new member may vote.

  2. A non-voting member is a person devoted to the principles of the Democratic Party and who otherwise is ineligible to register as a voter at the time of membership, e.g., under 18 years of age or a non-citizen. A prospective MDDC non-voting member must submit an application, i.e., fill out a membership card, and pay dues in full to become a non-voting member in good standing.

Non-voting members are not eligible to hold elected office in the MDDC or participate in CDP activities. A prospective non-voting member will need to submit an application and full payment of dues before becoming a non-voting member. Once a non-voting MDDC member is eligible to register to vote, if they want to continue to be associated with the MDDC, then they must register as a Democrat within 90 days of eligibility. Once this registration occurs and all dues are paid in full, then the non-voting member will become a voting member.

  1. The MDDC members are dedicated to the principles of the Democratic Party.

  2. Membership shall expire for any member whose dues are unpaid more than 90 days after the first meeting of the year. If delinquent dues are paid between the 91st day after the first meeting of the year and on or before the last day of the year, the member is automatically reinstated. Members whose dues are delinquent for one year or more will have to reapply for MDDC membership.

  3. MDDC members may be removed for the following reasons: failing to remain a registered Democrat; campaigning for, or advocating that voters vote for, a candidate in a partisan race who is running against a Democrat; tends to injure the good name of the club or individual members of this club; disturbs the well-being of this club; or hampers the work of the club. Removal shall require that the individual considered for removal be given an opportunity to represent him/herself before the executive board and then before the membership if the executive board recommends removal. Removal shall be a vote of not less than 60% of those members present at a meeting to be held at least seven (7) days after notice of such meeting has been mailed to the membership.

  4. Any member may resign her or his membership by written notification and presentation to either the secretary or the vice president or the president of this club. Said resignation shall be effective immediately upon the presentation of the written notification described above. Presentation of written notification of resignation as described above shall be by mail, electronic mail or personal delivery. Such resignation shall not entitle the member to a refund of any portion of the dues paid.


The MDDC does not require or use any test of membership or oath of loyalty which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members to acquiesce in, condone, or support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, physical ability, sex, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, or economic status.


A person shall be eligible for election or appointment to MDDC who is registered

and affiliated with the Democratic Party at the time of his/her election or

appointment, and is a legal resident of the district from which elected or appointed.


The dues assessment shall be determined at the first meeting following the organizational meeting. Dues shall be payable on a date determined by the MDDC

at the organizational meeting. During the scheduled November meeting each year the MDDC executive committee will make recommendations as to whether the dues will change for the next calendar year. A majority vote of the voting club members present is required to approve the change. Payment of dues may be waived in the case of economic hardship on a member. The MDDC executive committee by majority vote will determine if such a waiver is to be granted.


Vacancies shall be filled by recommendation of the members and ratified by a

majority vote of the MDDC.



The MDDC shall have a regularly scheduled meeting the 4th Saturday of each

month. Cancellation or rescheduling of a regular meeting may be made by the president with the approval of the majority of members and notification to all members. Regularly held meetings are open to all Democrats and requires at least 10 days written notice. The location of the next monthly meeting shall be designated by the president at each meeting unless otherwise designated by a majority vote of the MDDC.


Special meetings may be called by the president with notice of time, place, date and

agenda given to all members as early as possible prior to the date of the special



The president shall designate the method of voting, either by show of hands or voice

vote unless another voting method is required or requested and if approved by the members present..


The MDDC may adopt standing rules for the conduct of its meetings.


All procedures not indicated by these by­ laws or by the Standing Rules of the

MDDC shall be governed by the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order.



It shall be the policy of the MDDC to endorse candidates in partisan and non-

partisan races and to inform the county of those candidates who uphold the principles

and practices of the Democratic Party. Only registered Democrats shall

be considered for endorsements. Such endorsements shall be subject to the

restrictions prescribed in the California Democratic Party By­ laws.


Any Democratic candidates seeking the MDDC endorsement should attend a MDDC regularly scheduled monthly meeting and provide the club membership a brief overview of their positions and policies. At this meeting MDDC voting members will have an opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. If the MDDC considers endorsing a candidate, then it must be on the agenda, and the agenda distributed to voting members 10 days prior to the vote, which must occur on a regular scheduled monthly meeting. Should a candidate receive the endorsement of the MDDC, the MDDC shall make every effort to recruit volunteers for that candidate’s campaign and consider some financial or in­ kind­ contribution to that campaign. The MDDC will not endorse a non-Democrat or provide financial support to a non-Democrat.


If the California San Bernardino Democrat Party provides written notification that the MDDC may endorse a specific non-Democrat candidate, then the MDDC may endorse such non-Democrat candidate, provide financial support, and other support deemed necessary to help elect this candidate.


In the absence of a state, or county endorsement, or in local non-partisan election or race, the club endorsement shall prevail. The club may endorse prior to the candidate filing period. Endorsements may be revoked by a 2/3rds vote of the paid members. Any Democratic running against an incumbent Democrat must receive at least 60 percent of the vote of the membership present.


The MDDC will have the opportunity to send representatives to county and state functions/activities. If ample notice is provided to the MDDC, then the MDDC voting members who are interested will be given an opportunity to address the club membership at the regularly scheduled club meeting that is one month or more prior to when the names of the representatives are required to be submitted. At this meeting a majority of voting MDDC members present can select their representatives. If ample notice is not provided to the MDDC, then the MDDC executive committee shall, by majority vote, select the representatives for the MDDC.



A quorum to do business at any general membership meeting shall be at least 15% of the total members paid up and in good standing are present. A quorum to do business at the Executive Committee Meetings shall be a majority of the total number of executive committee members paid up and in good standing are present.


No action requiring a vote by the membership may be taken without a quorum of the paid membership present at the meeting



The use of proxies is not permitted.


An Executive Committee meeting must have a majority of executive committee members present to have a quorum to conduct a meeting.



Proposed amendments shall be submitted by the Bylaws or Committee, in writing, for consideration and recommendation to the MDDC.


At any regular or special meeting called for that specific purpose, the byl­ aws committee may present by­ laws amendments for action by the MDDC. A two-thirds (2/3) vote by the voting members present is required for the adoption of any amendment to these By­ laws.


DMMC rules for paying for visitors meals out of Administrative Funds

The DMMC will pay for the meal for the speaker at a club program or the keynote speaker for special ceremonies. When the speaker comes from out of town (30 miles or more) the club will also pay for the meal for one guest that accompanies the speaker. However, none of the above applies when the speaker is a member of the DMMC.


DMMC Standard Agenda for Business Meetings

There will be up to nine business meetings each calendar year. However, the recommended number of meetings is six. The scheduled meetings will occur in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. The club president may change the sequence or number of the scheduled business and program meetings if she determines the situation warrants it.

During election cycles candidates wishing to talk to our club or soliciting our endorsement may do so at this meeting. Also, those promoting bond issues or other ballot initiative may also speak. A time limit of 5 (five) minutes maximum will be allowed.

The colors, font, size, and logos for the agenda may be changed at the discretion of the club president. The standard agenda is below:

Mojave Desert Democratic Club

Los Domingos 1520 E. Main St., Barstow, CA 92311 Saturday, February 25, 2017 – 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.

Business Meeting Agenda

-Meeting Called to Order.

-Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence.

-Opening Remarks by the Club President.

-Introduction of Guests.

-Introduction of New Members.

-Approval of Minutes.

-Approval of Treasurer’s Report.

-Standing or Special Committee Reports. (as required)

-Updates and Discussion:

a. City

b. County

c. Central Committee

d. State

e. Federal

-Old Business -New Business -One-Minute Forum -Club Raffle -Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting: March 25, 2017


DMMC Standard Agenda for Program Meetings

There will be up to nine program meetings each calendar year. However, the recommended number of meetings is six. The scheduled meetings will occur in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. The club president may change the sequence or number of the scheduled business and program meetings if she determines the situation warrants it.

During election cycles candidates wishing to talk to our club or soliciting our endorsement may do so at this meeting. Also, those promoting bond issues or other ballot initiative may also speak. A time limit of 5 (five) minutes maximum will be allowed.

The Activities Committee will schedule programs/guest speakers in coordination with the club president. Normally, the activities committee will introduce the guest speaker before the presentation. The guest speakers will be given 15-20 minutes for their presentation. After the presentations there will be 5 minutes allocated for questions.

The colors, font, size, and logos for the agenda may be changed at the discretion of the club president. The standard agenda is below:

Mojave Desert Democratic Club

Los Domingos 1520 E. Main St., Barstow, CA 92311 Saturday, February 25, 2017 – 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.

Program Meeting Agenda

-Meeting Called to Order.

-Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence.

-Opening Remarks by the Club President.

-Introduction of Guests.

-Introduction of New Members.

-Introduction of the Program or Guest Speaker.

-The Guest Speaker is Dr. I. M. Okay and the topic is Coal Mining & Water Pollution.

-Any Critical Issues to be addressed by the Club.

-Club Raffle

-Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting: March 25, 2017

These revised By­ laws become effective immediately or the implementation date specified in the motion.

March 2017.



